You Can Spread the Message That You Care Through Sponsoring Our Events
Your Branding will appear on:
WEBSITE: our event and ticket pages,
EMAIL: Invitations and confirmation emails,
PR: Your logo will be included in Press Releases to invite industry and media to attend the event,
AT THE EVENT: We provide prominent branding such as; a step & repeat, swag bags, TV screens on either side of the stage.
MEDIA SCREENS: You can play a 30-second commercial in between Entertainment.
LIVE: “Big thanks to your brand/company for supporting us” during speeches,
VIDEO: The evening will be captured on video by a broadcast-quality production crew for future presentations.
BEYOND THE EVENT: Your branding will be seen by many more people than attend the event: Club members, online traffic and future TV audiences.
GOOD WILL: Your company will be seen in a very positive light as you'll be supporting a great cause, which wins you favor with customers, clients and in the Public’s eye!
CUSTOM: You know your brand's objectives better than anyone, so let's talk to see how we can help you reach your goals.